Opportunities for Positive Growth

What are Employment Services ?

Our Employment Services are designed to assist people in overcoming barriers to employment with the goal of stability and success at work. The Employment Specialist can focus on many employment needs including:

  • Exploring your employment interests and skills
  • Helping you to find your first job
  • Providing access to assistive technology and other services to help you keep your job
  • Re-entering employment after a period of not working
  • Training for a new career
  • Providing services for career advancement
Where is it offered?

OPG provides Employment Services in the following counties: Clinton, Hamilton, Howard, Johnson, Marion, Miami, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, and Tipton.

An Employment Specialist works in a variety of places where it matters most for you. This might include:

  • Working together in your home 1:1
  • Working together out and about in your local community (parks, libraries, grocery stores, etc.)
  • Working together at your job
• Who is an Employment Specialist and what are their qualifications: 
Employment Specialists at OPG all have completed the Association of Community Rehabilitation Education (ACRE) certification through Level Up Indiana and Virginia Commonwealth University’s Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU RRTC).

Funding Options for this service:

If I want to learn more or start services: 
Connect with us:
There are lots of ways you can connect with us to learn more or get started with Employment Services
  • You can click on our referral link on our website & submit your information.
  • If you have a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor or Medicaid Waiver Case Manager, you can let them know you want to connect. They will then send a referral for you to OPG.
Find your match:
  • Once you’ve asked for services, an OPG team member will get in contact to learn more about you and what you are wanting.
  • They may ask about:
  • Where you live
  • What day and time you would prefer to meet
  • What type of person you would like to work with
  • The OPG team member will see who is available and can meet your requests.
  • You will then have the opportunity to meet and interview your Employment Specialist.
  • If you both decide it’s a match, an OPG team member will work with you to get everything needed to start services. 

Begin Your Pursuit

For more information on Employment Services, connect with us here