Opportunities for Positive Growth

What is Behavior Support Services

This service is designed to provide you with the support you need to identify your goals and challenges so that you may live successfully in your chosen home and community. You and the Behavior Support Specialist will work on making meaningful connections and developing new skills to assist you in realizing your dreams.

A Behavior Support Specialist works to identify what goals you have and what challenges you may be experiencing, develop techniques and strategies to help you build new skills.

Where is it offered?
A Behavior Support Specialist works in a variety of places where it matters most for you. This might include:
  • Working together in your home 1:1
  • Working together out and about in your local community (parks, libraries, grocery stores, etc.)
  • Working together at your job and/or day program
  • Working together with other important people in your life.
  • If requested, attending medical and/or psychotropic medication management appointments.
  • If requested, you might work with a Behavior Support Specialist in a group setting of your choice.
Who is a Behavioral Support Specialist and what are their qualifications?

Behavior Support Specialists at OPG all have completed at least a master’s degree in social work, ABA, special education, counseling, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, or another applied health service area of psychology.

Some Behavior Specialists have additional education, licensure and/or certifications.

Some examples:

  • Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW)
  • Licensed Social Worker (LSW)
  • Board Certified Behavior Analysis (BCBA)
  • Licensed Mental Health Clinician (LMHC)
  • Special Education Certification

Funding Options for this service:

OPG, Inc. is a Medicare, Medicaid, Medicaid Waiver provider and an in-network provider for MHS, Cigna, Anthem, Aetna, United Healthcare, and private pay.
If I want to learn more or start:
  • Connect with us:
    • There are lots of ways you can connect with us to learn more or get started with Behavior Support Services
      • You can click on our referral link on our website & submit your information.
      • If you have a case manager, you can let them know you want to connect. They will then send a referral for you to OPG.
Find your match:
  • Once you’ve requested services, an OPG team member will contact you to learn more about and discuss your needs.
  • They may ask:
    • About you, your age, and where you live.
    • If you have been diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability
    • Your preferences on the type of person you would like to work with and what day/time you would prefer to meet.
  • Next, the OPG team member will see who is available and can meet your requests.
  • You will then have the opportunity to meet and interview the Behavior Support Specialist identified to see if they are a good fit for you.
  • If you both decide it’s a match, it is important that you contact your waiver case manager to inform them of your choice with OPG.
  • Your waiver case manager will then provide you with a pick list to document your decision.
Begin your pursuit… Starting BSS services:
  • Your Behavior Support Specialist will then schedule a time to meet with you.
  • At the start of this service and then at least once per year, your Behavior Support Specialist will work with you and create a:
    • Functional Behavior Assessment
    • Behavior Support Plan
  • You will work with your Behavior Support Specialist on a schedule of when and where you will meet.
  • Your Behavior Support Specialist will then also work with people in your life (this might be family, managers, staff, etc.) to help them learn how to also help support you and your goals.

Begin Your Pursuit

For more information on Behavior Support Services, connect with us here