Opportunities for Positive Growth

    OPG and the CQL: Partnering in Quality

    As a company that offers home- and community-based services to people with developmental disabilities, OPG, Inc. gets accredited every four years by an agency approved by the State of Indiana. Being accredited means that we have been recognized as meeting a certain set of standards for quality. OPG chose to be accredited through the Council...

      Concerns and Complaints

      OPG, Inc. always encourages any person, legal representative, or employee to discuss concerns and complaints with an OPG, Inc. representative. There are also options to file formal complaints with OPG, Inc. or BDDS, as outlined below. Filing a Complaint with OPG, Inc. To lodge a complaint, concern, or grievance with OPG, Inc., a person may...

        Other Resources

        Other Resources Howard County Tippecanoe County State Resources Hamilton County Marion County Technology Resources Payroll Inquiries At Opportunities for Positive Growth, we take Ethical Service very seriously. To report any claims protected under the Whistle Blower Protection Policy as stated in OPG’s Employee Handbook contact us via email at comments@opgrowth.com If you have a concern,...